Grappa di Primitivo F.lli Giannandrea
Primitivo, the Puglian grape par excellence becomes the distinctive note of Beltion Grappa di Primitivo Fratelli Giannandrea. It is rounded and velvety on the palate, with a fine, balanced taste.
Primitivo, the Puglian grape par excellence becomes the distinctive note of Beltion Grappa di Primitivo Fratelli Giannandrea. It is rounded and velvety on the palate, with a fine, balanced taste.
Beltion S.r.l.
via Cavalieri del Lavoro
Zona industriale
Putignano, BA – ITALY
T +39 080 491 1777
FAX +39 080 405 3821
EMAIL: info@beltion.it
PEC: beltion1885@pec.it